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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019


What does "Game-up" mean? There is more than one answer to this question. At first it was only one of many European Seminars for trainers, but for all participants it developed into something far greater. During the one-week training which was held in Ezcaray, La Rioja, Spain, 23 participants from Ireland, Finland, Austria, Italy and Spain got together to get-to-know each other and to connect through their shared objective: teaching important values and life lessons through theatrical activities.  From the 09/16/2019 until the 09/23/2019 the diverse group was asked to each present two of their practices and to take part in the other groups exercises. They were also given the opportunity to try out and share activities that they wanted to test out on professionals.  Other activities during the week included a intercultural night and during the time Logroño celebrated its famous festival San Mateo which the participants had the chance to visit to get some more ...

ACTion ReACTion - Polonia

ACTion-ReACTion es un curso de formación que utilizará elementos de teatro foro como herramienta para dar visibilidad a los problemas que afectan los jóvenes de Europa. Los participantes recibirán una formación en "Teatro Foro" impartida por profesionales polacos, charlas informativas y actividades teatrales prácticas. El objetivo de este proyecto, financiado por la Acción Clave 1 del Programa Erasmus+, es introducir  a personas que trabajan con jóvenes en el método de teatro foro, para que puedan usar esta técnica facilitando debates entre los jóvenes sobre temas como la exclusión social y discriminación en el contexto local e internacional. Nuestros socios Daniel Bustillo y Lourdes Jiménez Turza van a representar a ON&OFF en este curso del 19 al 27 de septiembre, al que también acudirán participantes de entidades de Grecia, Francia, Polonia, Hungría, Bulgaria, Rumania, Bielorrusia, Croacia, Ucrania, Armenia, Azerbaiyán y España. ¡Ayer tuvimos una reunión con Daniel y...