Español (english text below):
No Rumours fue un intercambio Juvenil con jóvenes y lideres de Italia, Irlanda, España y Eslovenia. Llegamos el 15 a El Rasillo y pasamos toda la semana juntos en el albergue del pueblo. Vinieron gente del ayuntamiento a darnos un taller sobre rumores, vino un periodista para hacernos entrevistas sobre nuestro trabajo, fuimos al lago 2 veces y hicimos una performance callejera en la plaza de mercado de Logroño con un público de 300 personas.
During the one-week training which was held in El Rasillo , La Rioja, Spain, 37 participants from Ireland, Finland, Austria, Italy and Spain got together to get-to-know each other and to reflect on rumours about migrants through theatre and non-formal education.
From the 15.8 to the 22.8.2019 the participants learned and discussed about the topic before they were divided into different groups. Every Groupe found a different way of expressing their thoughts and there opinion through theater. One group used strings in their performance, symbolizing how rumors can be spread and “wrap in” the people until some are not able to move anymore (basically they are caught in the rumors). Other groups focused on how rumor is spread through the media, on the fact that politicians spreads rumors and also on rumor which exists about homless people without knowing the people’s live. All different groups showed that rumors leads into social exclusion.