The project designed is an international seminar that will join together organisations from different European countries in order to work together and exchange good practices related to the inclusion of the mentally disabled with non-mentally disabled youngsters through the use of artistic and non formal education methodologies. The seminar will focus on tools or projects that the partner organisations use on the mentioned field to create youth initiatives related to this topic and promote the youth participation and entrepreneurship on the arts sector. Furthermore, the seminar aims to create new international partnership that could be the base of other European cooperation within the Erasmus+ programme. Besides activities to exchange best practices and learn about the partner organisations involved on the seminar, participants will take also part in workshops, cultural excursions and intercultural free time activities.
In order to apply, you must send an email to before the 17th of September with the following documents filled in:
The selection process will be done the 18th of September and the selected partners will recieve an email the 19th confirming their participation.